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AGC Typography and Lithography

Extreme papermaking techniques, lithographic printing, silk-screen and digital printing, hot pressing.
Recycled materials and natural fibres with special finishes

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We Have 15 Years Of Experiences In Fashion Designer Service

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Our Core Business

Sustainability is our watchword: all our products are made with a highly sustainable approach to reduce the environmental impact.

All our products are made of FSC certified cellulose fibre. We also use recycled PET plastic bottles, organic cotton, regenerated wool and materials obtained from fruits and leaves waste. All materials are vegan, plastic free and animal free.
As grandma say: “nothing is wasted!” and we firmly believe that wonders can be created from waste, as is in the best recipes.
For AGC, sustainability means coherence and respect for nature throughout the supply chain: consumption monitoring, recycling of packaging materials, energy load reduction, controlled use of solvents ink and raw materials, and the careful selection of suppliers and the use of traced and certified materials. Environmental and social-economic sustainability.

Sustainability does not compromise quality. Our products are always made with the best certified materials.

Our suppliers are the market leaders in the raw material sector.

We are always looking for innovative techniques and materials to satisfy all our customers’ needs.

Typography and Lithography

We print on paper, cardboard, fabric and all sorts of materials with the traditional typographic and lithographic techniques.

Our services

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